(Slovenian) Zbiranje prijav za mladinsko izmenjavo v Španiji

[:si]Mladinski center BIT je partner v Erasmus + projektu Trail to Self-Reliance. Glavne teme mladinske izmenjave so okolje, razvoj in kultura.

Izmenjava se bo odvijala v Munébrega blizu Calatayud (Saragossa) med 17. in 26 marcem. Na projektu sodelujejo še mladi iz Španije, Italije, Francije in Grčije.

Projekt je sofinanciran s strani programa Erasmus+. Udeleženci imajo na projektu zagotovljeno hrano, prenočišče in sofinaciranje potnih stroškov do 170 EUR. Udeležnci bo dobili tudi potrdilo (Youthpass) o sodelovanju na projektu.

Zainteresirani do 30.leta starosti (projekt je predvsem primeren za tiste, ki še niste bili na takšnem projektu, saj predhodna znanja niso potrebna) se lahko na mcbit.international@gmail.com. Prijave zbiramo do 1.februarja.

V prijavi navedite:

– ime in primek, spol, datum rojstva, kontakt

– trenutni status (študent, brezposelna oseba, zaposlena oseba…)

– motivacijo za udeležbo na projektu

Kratek povzetek projekta v angleščini:

This exchange will be focused on showing and sharing experiences and practical solutions, going back to the countryside and improving the value of natural resources and products. Increasing in self-reliance, where everybody will participate actively, building and creating things that everybody could do by ownself, trying to get materials from the Nature or re-used. Getting away from consumerism and approaching to environmental sustainability.

Self-sufficiency is a very broad field and for this project we want to concentrate on the following aspects:

A) Solar applications and mills to process natural products such as solar ovens and dryers, water distillers, etc.
B) Knowledge of aromatic and medicinal plants or seeds of the place and the techniques to process them for the creation and preservation of food, cosmetic or health products, like jams, creams, soaps, etc.
C) Bio-construction with cane, mud and other materials to perform a greenhouse, wall, crafts, etc.
D) Running devices with no electrical consum, such a connecting a washmachine or a pump to a bike.

The workshops done will be collected together in a platform where everyone can contribute, even after the exchange, with their experiences and will help as a guide for those who starts or wants to try new ideas in self-reliance.
