[:si]Živijo! Jaz sem Anna, sem iz Nemčije. Stara sem osemnajst let. Jaz sem EVS prostovoljka.
And thats all I can say about my self in Slovenian. 🙂
In April 2017 I finshed my A-levels at the Städtisches Stifts Gymnasium Xanten, my hometown. And all of the students asked themself the same question : „What now?“. Of course I asked myself the same question. Go to study , but what ? Make an Volunteer year, but where ?
But actually till I am in the pimary school I dreamed about living in my second home country. I always had a strong connection to Slovenia. It always felt like coming home, when my family and me went for vacation to Bela Krajina. For me its important to life the experience living in Slovenia, to get to know my routs and to improve my really bad slovenian.
So I decided to search for a volunteer project in Slovenia. I got to know about EVS and I was applying for a lot of projects and luckily MC Bit Črnomelj took me as their EVS Volunteer. My EVS journey begann in August 2017. I said goodbye Germany and welcome Slovenia for one year. I was excited , super nervous, anxious and very curious.
The whole August I spend with my family in Želebej, where my family comes from. It`s maybe hard to believe for people from Bela Krajina, but you can have vacation in Želebej, i did it for 18 years now. 🙂
End of August my EVS experience finally started, I moved from Želebej to Črnomelj ! The first time was very hard for me, completly new living conditions, new people and new city.
With the time, I found more and more friends and i explored the „huge city“ Črnomelj. Acutally you can say what you want about Črnomelj („to small , not beautiful“), but you can not resist to fall love with this City and especially with the people. Its just a small town , but for me its magical.
But what do I work in this magical place. Me and the other volunteers (Justyna and Marija <3 ) are responsible for the Hostel, we prepare the rooms for groups and make their stay as comfortable as possible. In addition I am working 2 days per week in the school srednja šola Črnomelj. Futhermore I am teaching German every saturday, feel free to join me, when you want to improve your German skillls. With my organsisation we are making workshops for Children and Youth.
I am here now for six month and a lots of things happend, I just want to tell a few of my highlights:
My first highlight was my on-arrival training, it was a pleasure to meet other young people who get through the same as me. I learned a lot about EVS and what it means to me and my personal development.
In October 2017 we had the Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Urban House, it was my first Youth Exchange experience and it was amazing. I never felt so fast so good in a group of people, I did not know. I am happy to met everyone of them , because everyone made this week so special. In addition we had a great success, the terrasse looks fanatastic now.
Another highlight was my International German Evening,for me it was a great party and I really enjoyed to show my guests at least a bit of my german culture ( „Nicht lang Schnacken, Kopp in Nacken!“)
This were just a few highlights of my EVS so far , I am looking foward for the next 6 month, exspecially for Jurjevanje and Črnfest.
I am so lucky , I decided to make this EVS. I did not regret my decision for any second. For me its a wonderfull experience and I think I gain a lot in my EVS for my future life.
So I would just recommend for every young people, take a little bit time between 12 years of school and Study! FOR YOURSELF , to make the experience to life abroad, travel, for your own personal development, to meet new people, to improve or learn new langauges, to get to know what you want to study or what you really want in life. You have nothing to loose, be brave and try the EVS experience.
Lep pozdrav,
Anna-Karolina Rixen